Our Team

In Christ the King Church, we believe, affirm, and celebrate the fact that our Triune God calls, gifts, and equips women and men equally for ministry, ordination, and leadership roles of the Church.

Ministry-Specific Core Teams

The ministry-specific core teams are made up of volunteers and staff. They are formed to coordinate and implement one of our values, “reaching and serving enthusiastically,” by providing as many opportunities as possible for people to serve and participate in these ministries. Currently, we have two ministry-specific core teams. There will be other teams developed as we move forward.

  • Next Generation Core Team

    This team is made up of the Kids’ and Teens’ Ministries. These ministries not only focus on teaching the next generation with lessons but also on building relationships.

  • Worship Core Team

    Our worship team prioritize the collective. They collaborate, and celebrate everyone’s contributions.