Community of Disciples.

Our God reveals Himself as a community, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Being made in His image, we were never created to live alone. As His image-bearers, we reflect our God by being in a community. To be in and be part of a community means to be connected with one another and be involved in the community’s life where we share our joys and struggles, carrying each other’s burdens, fulfilling the law of Christ (Gal. 6:2). Whoever you are, wherever you are on this journey of life, we welcome you to our community and would like to know you more. Join our community by clicking on our connect button below. Christ the King Church will always keep your data private.

Community Groups

We are not alone on this journey. At Christ the King Church, we encourage you to be part of a community group (adults and teens). Being part of a community group helps us because we get to meet our traveling companions in our journey following Christ, strengthening each other and building up one another, and getting a better understanding of what it means to follow Christ as we learn from Scripture together. To join, click the link below to see the available days and times. Contact us for further information.